EXHIBIT “Z” – Reality & Science Vs Mythical Ignorance


EXHIBIT “AA” – Defending Truth

Honesty – Morality – Courage

EXHIBIT “AB” – Confronting Lies
An important part of maintaining faith is being able to console yourself that others believe the same thing. This is why it is so important for religion to restrict exposure to other ideas that do not align with their teachings. There is an ongoing quest by the various religions to change the world into a place where everyone not only prays, but prays to the same god.
  • Source: Pew Research Center, “Religious Groups’ Official Positions on Same-Sex Marriage”
  • Impact: LGBTQ+ individuals face discrimination, mental health challenges, and reduced quality of life due to the lack of acceptance and legal recognition.
  • Source: Guttmacher Institute, “Religious Groups and Reproductive Rights”
  • Impact: Women are forced to carry unwanted pregnancies to term, suffer from unsafe abortion practices, and face severe limitations on their reproductive health care.
  • Source: National Center for Science Education, “Evolution and Creationism in Schools”
  • Impact: Students receive a distorted education, hindering their ability to engage with the world critically and make informed decisions.
  • Source: “Blasphemy, Art, and the Politics of the Sacred” by Ivan Karp and Steven D. Lavine
  • Impact: Artists and creators face persecution, and society is deprived of diverse perspectives and rich cultural contributions.
  • Source: “The God Delusion” by Richard Dawkins
  • Impact: More equitable societies with higher levels of happiness, innovation, and social cohesion.

When Religion Rejects Who You Are

Life In Repressive Religious Societies

Forfeiting Autonomy – Losing Your True Identity

Enjoying Real Freedom in a World Free of Religion

EXHIBIT “AC” – Protecting Free Minds

In the modern world, TruthSeekers and their organizations actively work to protect children from religious indoctrination, advocating for secular education and freedom of belief. Here are some prominent examples:

  1. Secular and Humanist Organizations: Groups like the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) and the American Humanist Association (AHA) work to ensure the separation of church and state, particularly in public education systems. They often challenge laws and practices that they see as imposing religious values on students.
  2. Children’s Rights Organizations: Some organizations focused on children’s rights address the issue of religious indoctrination as part of their broader mission to protect children from various forms of abuse and manipulation. They advocate for children’s rights to develop their own beliefs.
  3. Educational and Policy Advocacy Groups: Organizations such as the National Center for Science Education (NCSE) work to defend the integrity of science education against ideological interference, including religious doctrines like creationism.
  4. Atheist and Agnostic Advocacy Groups: These groups often promote secularism and rational thinking, providing resources for non-religious parents and supporting young people who face discrimination or ostracization due to their lack of religious beliefs.
  5. International Human Rights Organizations: Bodies like Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International, while not solely focused on religious issues, advocate for the rights of individuals to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion, which includes the right to not undergo religious indoctrination.

TruthSeekers use a variety of approaches, including legal action, educational programs, public campaigns, and advocacy at governmental and international levels to protect children from compulsory religious teachings and to promote secular and neutral education systems.

Though FaithZombie are extremely distressed to see people walking away from traditional expectations of blind obedience and leaving religions behind while depriving FaithZombies of their power over the masses, there is really little they can do. You just can’t stop progress or the steady movement away from ignorance towards a better, more enlightened world.

EXHIBIT “AD” – Defending Sexual Freedom

Of all the unspeakable horrors religion has perpetrated upon humanity few have done as much damage to the human psyche as religion’s war against sex. But as we witness the unraveling of traditional religious doctrines that have long restricted the natural expression of human sexuality, a powerful and transformative movement is awakening. This movement is not merely a shift away from organized religion but a bold rejection of the deeply entrenched sexual repression norms that religions have historically imposed on society.

TruthSeeker’s long-ignored calls for sexual freedom across the full spectrum of sexual diversity are growing louder as they expand beyond ancient sexist views towards gender held by the church. Today more people, particularly the younger generation, are opening new doors to exploring the multidimensional facets of sexual attractions without guilt or shame. New doors that open the way to being sexually free are reconnecting humans to who we really are and the view is exhilarating.

The freedom to openly enjoy your own body and other’s as well is not just about divergence from conventional ideas but about recognizing and affirming the authenticity of one’s desires throughout all stages of development. From early childhood through to old age, the ability to investigate and explore evolving sexual interests without fear is crucial for a healthy sense of self. You have the right to be you and appreciate the amazing person you see looking back at you from the mirror.

Embracing the natural diversity of sex can include exploring different sexual orientations, gender identities, and a variety of consensual sexual activities as nothing more than casual sex for mutual enjoyment. The idea that one should make lifelong commitments before enjoying sexual encounters is as nonsensical as saving yourself for the one true love you might never find because love often arises from sexual encounters.

Exploring sex beyond what you traditionally engage in can be surprisingly rewarding as you discover different types of sex and sexual encounters that often remain untried fantasies due to rigid religious prohibitions. Through adolescence seems the best time to try something new, there is no reason exploring sex shouldn’t be a lifelong endeavor. One that moves beyond traditional barriers, like those that attempt to limit sex by age, race, class, gender and so on regardless of the desires two people may feel towards each other.

Though love often finds a way, reality reminds us that just because we find someone incredibly attractive, that doesn’t mean they will or should feel the same way towards us. When that becomes abundantly clear, it’s time to move on so you can find the real love of your life who is still out there somewhere, looking and hoping you will find them. re

Exploring hidden desires beyond traditional sex is essential for personal growth. Gaining a deeper understanding of both your own and your partner’s hidden desires can lead to more meaningful relationships. This enhanced sensitivity to each other’s experiences ensures that shared sexual encounters are mutually enjoyable and fulfilling.

Embracing a sexually free lifestyle offers numerous benefits for both health and quality of life. Repressing naturally diverse sex due to strict religious indoctrination frequently leads to negative outcomes such as anxiety, depression, and unhealthy relationships. It also leads to sick perversions like rape, forced sex, misogyny, and underage marriage that misportray sex as something ugly.

Sex is an overwhelmingly positive experience that almost everyone thoroughly enjoys, unless they’ve been conditioned into sexual frigidity due to fears and misportrayals of sex perpetuated by a clickbait-driven media that always portrays sex in its negative extremes. When was the last time anyone ever heard of sex being celebrated or portrayed in a positive light as something we should all go out and enjoy more often.

By comparison, less restrictive societies that recognize sexual fulfillment as perfectly normal and everyone’s inalienable right, have lower rates of sex crimes. Additionally, STDs are less common within such cultures, as individuals are more likely to seek health information services without traditional barriers of shame and guilt. There is nothing to be ashamed of about being human and especially when it comes to the wondrous beauty of sex.

This is not merely a change; it is a radical transformation of societal values, a bold clear-eyed rebellion against viewing sex as sinful that has unnecessarily restricted the natural expressions of human sexuality. It is a vibrant, hopeful reimagining of the future, driven by new generations determined to avoid the mistakes of their predecessors.

In this emerging world, everyone can anticipate not only more frequent and more diverse sexual encounters but also a more uninhibited form of genuine intimacy. One that enhances the experience of love to the ultimate experience we humans could ever hope to know. If you were ever lucky enough to awaken within such a society, if nothing else you would notice that everyone sure seemed to be smiling a lot more.

EXHIBIT “AE” – Leaving Religion Behind
EXHIBIT “AF” – Finding Yourself

Giving Up Faith for Reality

Deprogramming from faith after many years of prayer is far from easy. But the advantages of moving beyond religion toward a reality-based approach to life can be profound.
One of the most significant benefits...
Embracing reality leads to a sense of mental clarity and peace that frees you from all the lingering doubts about faith. Now you can focus on being YOU after reconnecting to what your common sense has always told you is real.
Seeing Reality

Letting go of faith allows for a more compassionate view of humanity that says we're all just people, not sinners in some crazy battle between supernatural forces of good and evil. It's liberating to finally see the real world free from all the rituals, devotion, and false moralities that once enslaved your mind. From that perspective, you can experience all the joys of life, including naturally diverse sex, without worrying about sin or guilt for not living up to religion's demand for self-sacrifice and inhuman celibacy.

Moving Beyond Faith

Letting go of religion opens up a world of intellectual and emotional freedom. It allows people to live in harmony with who they really are, free from the inner turmoil of doubt and the external pressures of religious conformity. It dismantles the fear-based controls that religion holds over us with perverse and twisted tales of eternal damnation for all nonbelievers. The result is a life that is more authentic, more compassionate, and ultimately far more fulfilling.


It's hard to overstate the importance of making up your own mind about what's really out there. Letting others tell you the meaning behind YOUR life has to be the ultimate self-betrayal. You may not have all the answers, but admitting that is far more honest than pretending you will live forever because you believe in gods, evil spirits, and miracles. It feels good to stop lying to yourself and face the fact that one day you won't be here. Making peace with reality is like opening your eyes to a new world where you can finally find what you have always been looking for... The truth.

Seeing the REAL YOU for the first time
And liking what you see.
Making Peace With Reality
Opening doors to real freedom.
New Wisdom
Finally seeing a world that adds up and makes sense.
EXHIBIT “AG” – Embracing Reality